Thursday, May 21, 2009

New Snake

I just purchased this 08 male het albino possible super salmon boa from Rich and John at He looks great in the pics they sent and I can't wait to introduce him to my 04 albino female. They should be shipping him on Tuesday so I will have an update with unpacking pics some time in the middle of next week. I had mentioned in a few posts that I was a little torn on wether or not to try to resume breeding. I finally decided that with the drop in prices in the boa market it was a minimal investment to pick up another male and try again. I actually sold some extra cages I had to pay for this male so there is really no new money going in to it. If this breeding goes well I can recoup most of my initial investment the first season. Even in this poor economy it looks like I can make a few dollars on the side doing something I really enjoy.

