Friday, September 21, 2007

How Fredward Met Abigail

Since last night I have observed my boas courting heavily. The male was introduced into the female's cage on Wednesday and they both showed immediate interest in one another. Lots of tongue flicking and crawling on top of one another. Within 24 hours the male was on top of the female forming a zig zag pattern over the lower half of her body. He will squeeze her in regular intervals and ride her around for the next several weeks. All this leads up to copulation and helps stimulate the female for breeding. Right now they are under the paper in their cage but I will try to get some pictures soon. Needless to say I am super stoked to see good signs of courtship. It's still early in the season but I am feeling pretty confident.


Steve said...

Updates please! I need your blog to succeed so it will drive traffic my way. Although I did have 8 unique visitors yesterday.
