Thursday, April 23, 2009

Linux+: Week 1

I started studying for my Linux+ exam this week. As part of my studying I setup a dual boot laptop with Fedora 10 w/ GNOME and openSUSE 11.1 w/ KDE. The laptop is just an old HP with a Pentium M 1.6GHz and 512MB of RAM. Both distros installed fine and I am dual booting using GRUB with no problems. My only hang up was that openSUSE kept running the processor at ultra low voltage. All I did was change the power settings for the processor to disable dynamic frequency scaling. I would suspect the problem to be with the laptop and not the OS.

My first impressions of the distros are good. I am really digging the Fedora, I prefer it over the others I've tried so far. I didn't spend a whole lot of time in either distro last night so I will have to post more on the nitty gritty later. I may have to build a nicer Fedora box with a Windows VM.

As far as the exam goes I am confident that I can install and configure Linux. Past that I am still pretty rough so the studying continues. One neat trick I have learned is the whereis command. It returns the full path to the command and the location to the man page. Having grown up on DOS and Commodore Basic 2.0 I really enjoy having a way to find those less often used command paths.


Chad said...

Linux is the poor mans mac. We use it exclusively at work, there are good things and bad things. I am learning my way around the terminal and all that translates to what I'm doing at home on the mac, so that's nice.

At least it's better then windows :)

Rob said...

You're lucky it's only 12 days until the Star Trek movie comes out. Otherwise, literally thousands of nerds, much bigger than you and I, would have replied that the mac is the rich man's Unix.
