Saturday, July 21, 2007

In the beginning...

Actually this is like my third blog but all the others have gone the way of Delphi. I am hoping the difference this time is that I now actually have something to blog about. Things like starting a business, growing wealth, snakes, marriage, technology, music, and just all the hilarity that goes on in my life. The name of this blog is a sailing term, I do not sail nor do I endorse sailing of any kind, referring to the outer most of two or more jibs....I am more interested in the verb form meaning to refuse to comply or resisting forward movement. The flying part just makes me sound more spectacular. That sums up most of my goals in life. I want the American dream without the American lifestyle. I am trying to find the right balance between living in the norms of society to reap the benefits without giving up my personal freedoms or independence. I hope to elaborate on these ideas more right here in this blog.

